• Setting up a Python Virtual Environment for Web Development

    Virtual Environments are helpful in keeping all the dependencies (packages), required for a Python project, in one place. So you can avoid issues with conflicting dependencies when working on different projects simultaneously. For instance, one major use case is when you want to run different Python versions like 2.7, 3.5, and 3.6 on the same…

  • MongoDb Quick Reference Sheet (Printable)

    I created a MongoDB pdf reference sheet. Here’s the link to the PDF (my only Medium post as of now, it’s got some ‘likes’) — https://medium.com/@nitinnain/mongodb-quick-reference-sheet-printable-a30435e191ac

  • Django’s Request-Response Cycle

    Understanding the Request-Response Cycle is a crucial step in setting up for any WebServer. An example of the request-response cycle is when you “request” a web page by entering a URL in your browser and a web server sends a web page as ‘response’ to your browser. Of course, there’re usually several HTTP requests that…

  • Quick Monitor Buying Guide

    Deciding the screen size You ought to consider the right physical size in inches with the screen resolution — deviating too much from the following chart would either make the screen too pixelated or you might find the default font size to be too small.

  • Essential Tips for WordPress Admins and Editors

    (This post supposes that you have a working WordPress site already and now want to improve the content and design for the site.) You’ll first need a login for your WordPress site. The login is most probably at example.com/wp-login. Most articles on “Getting started with WordPress” begin with setting up WordPress on a server, or…

  • Git — Getting Started

    Using Git is simple and so I’m keeping this very short. 1. Github.com is not git 2. You only need to learn these six commands to get started: add commit push pull clone status 3. push is akin to uploading your files to the server (for safe-keeping). Before pushing you’ve to write a comment about…

  • Designing the Apple Watch UI – a quick guide

    Designing the Apple Watch UI – a quick guide

    The Apple Watch is releasing in a month! Here’s a list of important things you need to know, if you’re interested in designing or developing an Apple Watch App: 1. Layout and Screen Sizes 38mm: 340 pixels x 272 pixels 42mm: 390 pixels x 312 pixels That’s an aspect ratio of 4:5.   2. Icon…

  • Php’s performance improvements — HHVM, JIT, and ‘Hack’

    Facebook deprecated HipHop for PHP, a PHP to C++ translator (trans-compiler) which they had been using since Feb 2010 in favour of HipHop Virtual Machine (HHVM), in 2013. HHVM is a PHP interpreter that uses just-in-time(JIT) compilation techniques. Or to put it another way, HHVM is a virtual machine that compiles PHP bytecode to native instructions at runtime. HHVM now…

  • Native Vs Hybrid Mobile Apps

    I was recently checking how the Hybrid App frameworks compare to Native iOS or Android Apps.  Here are my observations on few Phonegap Apps that I tried on my phone: The size of Phonegap Apps is big: an app that should have been less than 10MB has a 40-50MB installer. The Apps take longer to…

Python/Django. AWS. iOS. React.js. UX. Computer Networking & Security. Distributed Systems. Startups.